Nonpolar and semipolar GaN layers with
markedly improved crystalline quality can be obtained by selective-area growth
from the sapphire sidewalls of patterned sapphire substrates (PSSs). In this
paper, we review the crystalline qualities of GaN layers grown on PSSs and
their growth mechanism. We grew semipolar {1 1 −2 2} and {1 0 −1 1} GaN layers
on r- and n-PSSs. The crystalline qualities of the GaN layers grown on the PSSs
were higher than those of GaN layers grown directly on heteroepitaxial
substrates. To reveal the growth mechanism of GaN layers grown on PSSs, we also
grew various nonpolar and semipolar GaN layers such as m-GaN on a-PSS,
{1 1 −2 2} GaN on r-PSS, {1 0 − 1 1} GaN on n-PSS, m-GaN on c-PSS and a-GaN on
m-PSS. It was found that the nucleation of GaN on the c-plane-like sapphire
sidewall results in selective growth from the sapphire sidewall, and nonpolar
or semipolar GaN can be obtained. Finally, we demonstrated a light-emitting
diode fabricated on a {1 1 −2 2} GaN layer grown on an r-PSS.
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